Forget The Former Things | Transition

Reading Scripture is a lot like eating and drinking. We eat cereal differently than we eat steak. We drink Gatorade differently than we drink wine. Why do we do this?…

New Morning Mercies | Transition

Transition is a word full of meaning. It’s marked by growth pains, but pregnant with opportunity. Everyone in life goes through a transition of some sort: going through puberty (thank…

I AM The Storm

“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.’” Those chilling lines hung like icicles under one of Tom Brady’s most…

Timing Is Everything | Genesis 40

Most of my blogs are more topical than commentary, but I thought I'd mix it up a bit and share some insights and encouragement from Genesis 40, which recounts Joseph's…

God’s Providence & Your Circumstance

Perspective is something we all know we need to have, but it’s something we don’t always know how to have. Perspective can be perceived as an ethereal virtue, but it’s…

No Guarantee Is A Good Thing

A main way people try to gain perspective in a season of suffering is clinging to the idea or anchoring themselves on the guarantee that life will get better or…

Your Wilderness Is Your Leadership

When we think of ‘leadership,’ we usually think about positions of influence, power, and status. And while that is a legitimate association, the Bible presents something quite different—and it’s something…