The long, exhausting, and polarizing presidential campaign that we have each experienced over the past several months all came to an end last night when Donald Trump became elected as…

How God Introduces Himself in the Bible

Most of us are pretty familiar with Genesis 1-2—the opening chapters of the Bible and the story of creation—but what we’re not as familiar with is how God immediately introduces…

Godly Sorrow vs. Worldly Sorrow | 2 Cor. 7

One could argue that the biggest denominator in our lives is not that we will sin, or get sinned against, or experience trials—but rather, how we will respond to those…

2 Creation Accounts in Genesis?

Have you ever heard that Genesis has two creation accounts and not just one? I had never heard that claim until my Intro to Old Testament class in college. (more…)

8 Pointers For Christians Starting Their Freshman Year Of College

Stepping into your freshman year on a college campus is truly unlike anything else. Everything is completely new. Everything is completely unknown. It can be incredibly exciting. But it can…


I recently picked up the Steve Job biography by Walter Isaacson the other day, and it has been a fascinating read about the personality, quirks, and traits of Steve Jobs…


Have you found yourself in a situation where you were tirelessly trying to accomplish something, and you would continue to put more and more effort into it—but for whatever reason,…